Sunday, 31 August 2014

5 Personal Finance Advice We Learn Too Late

Despite hearing a lot of personal finance advice, it often takes experience to truly learn a lesson–especially when it comes to money. When you’re young and have little to no responsibilities outside of school, however, you don’t see the big picture, and moderation is not in your vocabulary.
But if you’re looking to learn before you make mistakes with money, here are a few five important lessons you should avoid having to learn the hard way.

Cut Spending

Never Take A Deal For The Sake Of A Deal

I’m a huge fan of sites like eBay and 1Sale. There are times when I really am looking to save on a specific product, and those sites really help me achieve that. However, I have been the victim of the “but-it’s-such-a-good-deal” mindset plenty of times in the past (and once or twice recently).
Getting trapped in this mindset leads to a serious excess in spending a lot of useless crap boxed up in closets a storage units later in life. For instance, the idea of a soda machine sounds great at first, and at only $50 you’re sure to save some money eventually, right? But how long are you really going to keep up with it? If it’s a spur-of-the-moment-type of thing, it’s best to go home empty handed and do some research before committing to a purchase
Don’t take this advice the wrong way, though, because deals are great. When I find something I genuinely want or need for what I truly know is a bargain price, I feel confident in my purchase. The only thing you should be wary of is purchasing things you know you don’t need simply because you feel like it’s a great deal.

Always Wait On Big Purchases

If you’re looking for any type of money advice, it’s likely you’ve purchased plenty of big-ticket items on impulse. It’s often hard to resist the urge to spend, but patience also pays off in the end.
Take the time to research the product, and let the desire settle in for a bit. Oftentimes you’ll lose interest after a week, or something else will come along. Either way, give yourself a waiting period in order to make a more level-headed decision.
Before making a big purchase, I like to ask myself three simple questions:
  • How much did I have to work to pay for this thing?
  • Can I return it for a full refund if I quickly get buyer’s remorse?
  • If I buy now, will I miss out on a better deal later?
Also take stock of how a purchase will affect your life. For instance, if you’re already struggling to motivate yourself to do school work, is a new video game system going to help? Unless you’re buying it as a post-semester reward for hard work, probably not.

Quality Is Worth The Extra Cost

I’m a cheapskate, so it’s very hard for me to justify spending a lot of money on certain things. But one of the most important things I’ve learned as a cheapskate is that quality is worth the extra cost. That doesn’t mean I stay in five-star hotels while traveling or always buy brand-name products, it simply means I understand when I need to spend more to get more.
You’ve no doubt been burned by a cheaply-made product more than once in the past, and that’s likely caused more headaches than you’re willing to admit. The saying “if it’s too good to be true, it probably is” has been ingrained into my wallet after a number of terrible purchases. Sometimes saving money ends up costing you more.
Of course, I’m still bitter that an iPhone costs over $600, and the fact that little things like quality toilet paper and certain foods are so much more expensive than their generic and cost-cutting counterpart, but over time I’ve been able to balance the savings I get from certain items with the premium price of others.

The Small Stuff Adds Up

One of the biggest reasons everyone should attempt to live on a written budget at least once in their life is because simply setting one in your mind is pointless. Something will always get in the way of your ability to actually stick to the budget. It may not be from major purchases or anything like that, it’ll likely just be the little things that come up out of nowhere that really add up each month.
Your budget should always include unexpected expenses to add some wiggle room, but you should also not be consistently hitting your unexpected limit. At the end of each month, take a look at where your money went and ask yourself–or a friend who happens to be a skilled accounting major–if there’s anything you can cut or if there are ways you could spend less. Here are a few things I cut out that made a big difference in my overall budget:
  • Eating Out — Just 4-8 times a month can cost you anywhere from $100-$300 a month easily. If you decide to not eat out at all that’s great, but cutting that spending in half is one of the easiest ways to save money.
  • Cell Phone Service — Contract cell phone service has become more expensive than TV and internet for many–at about $90 a month for a single line for a smartphone. It’s insane for a budget-minded person to spend that amount on service when you have countless other expenses. Prepaid service–that can be had at half the price–is often just as good in most areas of the country.
  • Fuel — On top of a car payment and insurance, gas can eat away at your wallet each month more than you’re probably willing to admit. One way to save money on gas is to simply maintain good driving habits and get more done in less trips. Or if you’re in a more urban environment, take advantage of public transportation.

Don’t Upgrade Your Lifestyle With Each Pay Bump

Getting a pay increase is a great feeling, and as you progress through life you’ll probably be looking to put some of that extra money to use–whether that means ditching the roommates or buying a new car. But the best thing would be to wait until your next pay bump to upgrade your lifestyle.
By pocketing that extra cash for a while, you’ll not only increase your savings, but you’ll adopt a valuable habit that could save you from debt and stress down the road.
What’s a piece of advice you wish you could give to yourself a few years ago? Let us know in the comments below and your tip could help future readers!

How Americans Get Into Debt… Simple Story

This is how Americans get into debt.  By reading this story, you might find yourself somewhere in the mix and see what trajectory you’re on.
There is a concept called “tunnel vision” also known as Kalnienk vision, which is loss of peripheral vision with retention of central vision, resulting in a constricted circular tunnel-like field of vision.
When it comes to personal finance, I’ve seen this happen so many times.  When I’m fixated a buying something, you’re in this “tunnel vision” and don’t realize how your buying decisions are getting twisted and warped.  series of these mistakes can bring about disaster into your personal finance.
I hope this story will help you take a look at your current personal finances and get you out of your tunnel vision.

Here’s A Story Of Rob And Jean

Rob and Jean are hardworking, middle-class Americans.  Rob is a fireman in the city and Jean is a real estate broker who earns commissions based on sales.  They have two kids and live modestly.  They own a house in a modest suburb where the schools are known for their strong scores.
Rob and Jean bought their home in 2008.  After a couple of years, they realized that the value of their house and their equity in it has grown substantially.  On top of this increased equity, interest rates had dropped.  They heard from friends that they could refinance their mortgage every month than they were paying.  They called a mortgage broker who confirmed it was true.
The mortgage broker explained that with a lower interest rate, Rob and Jean could use the increased equity in their home to take on more debt and a bigger mortgage while paying the same or lower monthly payments.  Because the value of the house would continue to rise, they could then refinance again in the future to cover any new debts.
Rob and Jean couldn’t believe their luck.  They refinanced.  They paid off their credit card debts and one of their cars, bought the season tickets Rob always wanted (lower section), and even upgraded their kitchen with stainless-steel appliances and granite countertops.  The best part was that their monthly payments would be considerable lower for the next three years.
Rob and Jean then became a little looser in their spending.  The kids’ clothes came from mall, not just the discount chains.  Dinners and nights out became more frequent.  Soon the credit card balances began to grow again.  They didn’t worry because they figured they could just refinance again as the mortgage broker represented.
But then Jean’s sales slowed throughout 2012.  Worse still, the value of their house had not appreciated like it had in the past.  No bank would accept their application to refinance.  Then the rate on their three-year adjustable rate mortgage increased dramatically.  Now, more money than they could afford had to get other mortgage each month.  They had to start picking which bills they could afford to pay and which bills they should try to pay next month.
Soon the calls started coming.  The mailbox was filled with stacks or letters that neither of them wanted to open.  Rob and Jean felt tension between them like never before.  Even the kids began to worry.  The worst part was the persistent and harassing phone calls and visitors at all time of the day, any day of the week.


They felt depressed and inadequate because they were unable to provide for their family.  They both felt that they were the subject of whispers wherever they went.
For Rob and Jean, the downturn of the economy and the housing market and the decline in Jean’s commissions caused them to fall behind in paying their debts.  For others, it could be job loss, sickness, medical emergency, the need to care for a family member, years of spending too much, the need to care for a family member, years of spending too much, or simply the slowdown in a business or the economy overall.  While the underlying reasons may differ, the results are the same.  The bills aren’t getting paid on time.

What We Could Learn From Rob And Jean

The story of Rob and Jean is all around us.  I know few of my friends just on top of my head whose had this similar situation.  What we can learn from this story is very simple.  I can give you a list, but I want to just state some core principle that I’m taking away.
Just like how Rob and Jean didn’t get into this situation over night, they are not going to get out of it over night either.  They are going to have to be honest with their situation and make drastic lifestyle changes.
The principal here is to NOT increase your spending along with your income.
Many Americans feel entitled to spend whenever they feel like they saved some money.  And this is very detrimental to personal finance.  In most cases, we don’t bother to know exactly how much more we’re allowed to spend, but instead we go by our gut feeling.  But whatever we attach on top of our current expenses tends to lead to other expenses that follow.
For example, if I upgrade my car from Honda Accord to a Cadillac, extra expenses is not just the car payment.  Do you see where I’m going with this?  It’s like that with many other upgrades we in our lives.  I go from $200 suits to $500 suits and now that I know what $500 suit feel like, there’s going to be a huge lump on my through to swallow for me to go back to the $200 suit.
Keep you expenses where it is and keep exercising good personal finance rather its raining or not.
Keep in mind that not just Americans, but we all don’t have an income problem, but a spending problem.

Question To You

This is the principal I’m drawing out from this story.
What personal finance principal were you reminded from this story?  Do share…

Friday, 29 August 2014

7 Rules To Consider When Choosing An Affiliate Program Or Work at Home Business

So you’ve decided to become financially independent! You’ve chosen to work at home. Congratulations! I’m sure this is a decision that can turn your life around and lead you to financial freedom.
So you’ve decided to become financially independent! You’ve chosen to work at home. Congratulations! I’m sure this is a decision that can turn your life around and lead you to financial freedom.

But that is going to happen only if you’re careful enough to let it happen! There are a few things you should really look out for when deciding to work at home.
When you set out to give the work at home business thing a try, you’ll find out that this was just the easy part! The hard part is to discover which one is right for you.
With all these so called “opportunities” that flood the internet, you should be very careful in choosing a work at home business. 

To help you, I have put together a few simple rules :

Rule #1 : Try to avoid “get rich quick deals”

Now that’s a golden rule! Usually, when something sounds too good to be true then it probably is!
Oh, I know these sound appealing and of course you would like to get paid for doing nothing (so would the rest of us!). But don’t you think that if these people had the magic solution to making big money they would use it instead of trying to sell it to you for whatever price?
It’s sad to know that so many people end up feeling frustrated when they realize that they have wasted their time and hard earned money. There are no magic tricks! Commitment and hard work instead, can make you rich.

Rule #2 : Find a program that you really like and can work with

Another rule that’s essential! Say that you come across a program that requires you to sell life insurance. You hate insurance people, you think they’re full of hype.
So what, the compensation plan looks great! What would you do? Would you join the program? Could you picture yourself selling life insurance even if you hate the very idea?
The answer is that you’re never going to make any money doing something you don’t like!
The point I am trying to make here is, that you should go on and find out everything there is to know about the program you are interested in. Just spend some time doing an essential reading through the available material (company website, related articles etc).
Try to get an overview of how the system works and if you need more information or if you get confused , go ahead and ask the person who referred you to the program for help. Doing your homework always pays off.

Rule #3 : Make sure you know exactly what you’re getting for your money

There are just too many companies out there that present you with sales letters as long as a book but not even a hint as to what you are actually getting in return!
If the product they’re selling is that good and is going to make you so much money, why hide it? Why only mention it in the last few paragraphs?
Ok, I know, it’s the way sales are closed. Still, you would like to know exactly what you’re buying. It could save you a lot of grief!

Rule #4 : Perform a background check on the company

The longer it has been around, the better. This way you know that you’re dealing with an established company that will not go bankrupt 4 months after you join!
It has been known for people to lose their online businesses and commissions owed to them for this very reason. Choosing a quality company is essential but can prove critical to the survival of your work at home business.

Rule #5 : Make sure you’re going to get all the help that you need

It’s just typical for someone to join a program, pay his membership fee or buy a product and then be left in the dark, not sure what on earth to do next!
Again, I’m repeating myself here but this is important, try to get an overview of how the system works, who your upline people are and how they can help you.

If you need more information or if you get confused, go ahead and ask the person who referred you to the program for help. In this way not only will you get an idea of how the program is structured but you would also be testing your referrer to see if he/she will respond promptly to your need for help.
But first, you have to have an idea of how the program works.

Rule #6 : Check out the compensation plan

Ok, so you’ve joined a program which ,hopefully, is going to make you rich. Do you know how this is going to happen?

It’s not necessary that you know every detail about the compensation plan from the first day that you join. But still, wouldn’t you like to know if you’re getting 5% or 60% commission on an average sale?
After all, it takes the same amount of effort to generate a sale. Wouldn’t you like to be paid more?

Rule #7 : Do not spend much at the beginning

A legitimate work at home business should be able to operate at a minimum/low cost. You should not have to invest a lot of money in any home business. At least not in the beginning.
When you do decide to invest some money into your own home business, this should be your own decision, not someone else’s and must arise from your understanding that a business is what you make it.

There are more rules that I can add to these and make a really long list but this is not my goal. My goal is to provide a clear path, a few steps that should be easy to follow through the minefield of schemes and “get-rich-quick” deals to a company you can really trust.
Using your own common sense is as important as having these rules in mind when looking for an opportunity or a work at home business.

How to Make Money Online Without Having a Website

With the enhancement of E-Business, Life is getting compact, introducing new, easy and comfortable ways to make money online. I have been discussing about a lot of such earning online methods in my previous posts but today I m in a different mood. I had always been in jeopardy whether to invest a considerably good amount on hosting or not. What if the blog turned into a total failure? 

What if I found later that no traffic is interested in my content? I m sure few of my readers who are still blogging on will agree with me here.

So for people like me, who are not ready initially to invest their money as well as time, I have a plan B for them. You can make money online without making a website! That sounds amazing, isn’t? here are some proven techniques to make yourself rich, with no money investment.

Target Affiliate Product

Not only in this, but the first important thing you should always do, is to set your target! This one can be a little difficult and time taking perhaps but trust me once you get started with this, you will have it all. Hit upon a product, that can bring you a good commission on each sale for its promotion. It’s similar to the jobs of those bank employees on contract, whose nature of job is to bring targets and get a commission. But the best part is, no physical exercise is required here. It has been experienced the generally, digital products brings you more commissions. Digital products downloaded directly to a customer’s computer after purchasing ( e-books or software). The reason behind this is that there is no shipping costs involved in buying something digital online, the owners share a greater amount of commissions with those who bring sales to them.

This is obvious that once you decide to work on this one and get your commission too, you would want to continue the business. To keep it going on, sign up for an affiliate membership site. With this you will able to build a residual income and the continuation rate of being paid is much higher than just selling a product once.

Although many of my readers are one of the best pro-broggers, there must be few who are new to this e- world. We have been using this statement “get Affiliate” many times in our articles. It actually means that you are declaring yourself as a reseller for a product or a service that you likes and thinks can generate lots of wealth .in this case, you need to sign-up as a reseller(affiliate) for your desired product. Once you get signed up, you get a unique affiliate link which you share with people to send people to purchase the product. Your affiliate link will become your identity for your chosen product’s owner.

Catch Domain Name

A domain name will make your affiliate link look like it’s your own website, making it more memorable and look further trustworthy. For example, most people would rather click on the link in spite of
This is important to quote here that getting a domain name and buying a hosting for your website are entirely two different things. Web hosting is something too expensive as compared to getting a registered domain name. You can get it for under $9 at
What actually happens behind the scene is that when someone types in your .com (example domain in this browser, it will go to your affiliate link. The visitor will see the website with the product you promote, bringing you revenue for bringing sales to the company.

Attract Traffic !

Knowing the Tricks to attract large traffic is all what that decides how much you will be earning. To make it simple, take it like a business of physical world. No customers – no sell- no profit – only LOSS! Therefore, In order to make sales, you need to get visitors to your domain name, which will forward them to the website of the product that you resell. To get good concentration for your domain name, You can advertise it too, only and only if the cost of advertising is less than your potential commission which you will get once you get a good traffic. You have to play a miser game here!

Article Writers and freelancers enjoy some benefits here too. If you can write articles, then do that related to your product and post them on different sites. Don’t forget to include your “domain name” at the end of your article. People will read your article and strong chances are there that they might get interested in finding more.

By doing so, if you think now, you are actually advertising your domain name – and- the product, without spending a penny on it.

This is method to make money online is very reliable and expects less input from you. Once you get an extensive commission, you may come again with a new product following all what stated above!
In my last post I advised my readers to think out of scope, and this one is a proven example. Don’t limit yourself simply just to blogging or freelancing. Keep exploring the new tactics to make your lie an easier one!

Yet another 5 Ways to Make Money Online Without a Website

You can moke money online without having your own website. This article will show you five ways you can do it.
On the Internet you can find numerous ways to make money online without a website. Below are types of online program that you can join without having any website.

1.Online Surveys

The idea of online survey is that you will be given a survey that has to be completed by you to earn money. This surveys is conducted by companies who are observing the community to discover the best way to market their product or services. The amount of money you can earn per survey depends on the importance or the length of survey. Some survey companies doesn’t reward you with money. Instead, they giving you prizes/gifts or entering you to a lucky draw.

2.Get Paid to Read Email/Get Paid to Signup/Get Paid to Surf

From the description above, you know what you have do to make money. Yes, only by reading emails and click the advertisement inside or by signing up to various free to join programs or surfing on the internet you can make money online. Although the money you can earn isn’t much, this is the most convinient way to make money.

3.Online Investment

This program requires you to invest on their programs for a certain period of time and in return you will get the amount of interest based on your investment. This type of program involve a high risk, just like other offiline investment. It also has the big chance of losing your money, because many of this programs are scams. Only a few of this type of program are legitimate. Usually, they offer a low rate of interest, but still higher than most bank offers.

4.Ebay Business

Ebay is a well known service that allows people to sell and buy products through an online auction. You can sell your antiques or stuffs that you no longer want to Ebay. Though selling your old stuffs and sell them to an online auction seems like not promising, there are actual people who has make a full time income on Ebay.

5.Marketing Affiliate Programs with Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

Recently this is maybe the most popular way to make money online without having your own website. The concept is by joining an online affiliate programs that will give you commission to sell their products and then advertise the product on sites that has Pay Per Click Advertising. PPC Advertising is a powerful advertising campaign that charges you a small amount of money when someone click your advertisement. 

If that person decide to buy the product your promoting, you get profit from your commission reduced by your investment on the PPC Advertising. The most famous PPC service is Google Adwords, run by Google. Just be sure that your investment on the PPC service doesn’t exceed the amount of commission you get from the affiliate program.

Note :
As you can see, each program has their own advantage and disadvantages. The last two ways mentioned above is considered more promising than the top three. In order to make a significant income with the last two programs, you have to know its secrets and techniques. Fortunately, there are many ebooks and articles online that can help you to get the best of those programs.

To Earn Money From Home? Use Squidoo

You might have heard about Squidoo (maybe that’s why you’ve landed here, right?). It’s a very popular online content publishing website. You might be thinking; what a strange name, Squidoo! But don’t be fooled! It is ranked among the top 500 websites in the whole wide world! And ranks within top 300 websites in the U.S. This, in today’s online world dominated by giant alligators like Google and Facebook (etc), in itself is an honor.

Squidoo allows you to earn money through many methods, which we will discuss shortly. With Squidoo, you are guaranteed an income. That, of course, doesn’t mean it’s quick or easy money. Easy it is, but only if you put in effort on your part. And quick; well, no ‘online method’ of earning money is quick. So let’s get started and look at what Squidoo is all about.

What is Squidoo?

squidoo 150x150 Use Squidoo To Earn Money From Home! 

Like I said, Squidoo is an online publishing website. It allows people to create pages called lenses, which are similar to blog posts. Only difference is, Squidoo provides more convenient ways of earning money. And it is easier to write lenses than creating and maintaining a blog.. Users who write lenses are called lensmasters.

Your lenses can be used to promote anything, as long as you stay from an extra-promotional behavior which will get you banned for spamming. You can earn revenue by various methods such as setting up referral links to websites like Amazon, participating in affiliate program etc.

Create a lens

Start off by creating a lens. You can choose a topic from any of the 22 categories available, from health to cooking to business. Once you have the topic decided and the content made, you have various further options to enhance your content. You can add Pictures, Videos, Links, News Feeds etc. You can also add RSS Feeds and Google Blog Search.
create a squidoo lens 300x256 Use Squidoo To Earn Money From Home!
You can add advertisements on your lenses. You will then earn a portion of the money earned through those ads. Continue reading to learn about Squidoo revenue sharing and payment options.

Promote Affiliate Products

Apart from advertising programs, you can also set up affiliate links on your lenses. If you have your own product, it’d be a good idea to promote them on your lenses. However, you can also promote other’s products. You can either use the in-built affiliate tools, or manually add your affiliate links.
promote affiliate products 300x150 Use Squidoo To Earn Money From Home! 

Squidoo’s in-built tools feature many popular affiliate programs like Amazon, CafePress, iTunes etc. If you use these tools, you will have to share a portion of your sales with Squidoo. On the other hand, if you add links manually (and we recommend doing that), then you get to keep all of your earnings.
So why use the in-built tools at all? Well, they aren’t useless after all. They offer extreme ease of use. And for beginners who don’t know their way around, they can be very handy. Also, a part of what Squidoo takes from you goes to charity. So it’s a good idea to use those tools every once in a while.

Squidoo has its own Affiliate Program!

Other than promoting other affiliate products, you can also earn money through the Squidoo Affiliate Program. And I like it because it’s unique. It pays the refer-er, as well as the referee, unlike many affiliate programs that only pay the refer-er.
Basically, whenever you refer somebody, and when they make their first $15, both of you get a bonus $5! This is simply great, because if I refer you to Squidoo, you will have nothing to lose, and $5 to gain by joining through me. Otherwise, you won’t get a single bonus cent (:D).

Revenue Sharing and Payment Options

Payment is sent to you via PayPal. Of all the earnings that you make, you get to keep a 50% share. 45% goes to Squidoo, and 5% goes to charity. This is a great thing as it’s one of the very few such programs contributing towards charity. You have the option to split the money with a charity of your own choice. Hence, you can rest assured that your      money will not be misused.
revenue sharing 300x183 Use Squidoo To Earn Money From Home! 

Squidoo is a great service in the sense that you don’t need to create any blog or website. Of course if you have them , you can drive more traffic through your lenses. But Squidoo is super easy to use, which is why I like it. Hope you do too. Good luck !!!

Ten Tips to Start New Startup Businesses : Silicon Valley

22 Ten Tips to Start Silicon Valley New Startup Businesses 

Doing a business or turning yourself into an entrepreneur these days is both, risk and an opportunity. Each day there is something new coming into the world especially in the business field and in case you are planning to start a business as a complete new idea, you need to know all about the dos’ and dont’s of it. A complete research is all what you need. Here are 10 tips to start New Startup Businesses: Silicon Valley, have a look!

Adaptation And Survival

You must recognize that in order to do business in Silicon Valley you must get adapted to the place as you will be spending most of your time pitching, where a business meeting would mean catching up for the coffee and all the meetings will be of about half an hour. You must know how to communicate your business properly.


If you are looking for options to rise up your investments then you must do significant amount of research on your part. You must know what people are more inclined towards your business and strategy and what VC’s have invested their money in the same cosmoses.

Staying until you are done

Closing any sort of deal or making sure of the investment takes much more time in Silicon Valley than any there company usually but one must know that the deal will only be closed until all the paper work has been through and the more bigger your deal is, the more time it will take you to get your work prepared.

Follow up fast

Look for someone who may know you here and then ask them for an introduction. For this you can follow up by the help of an email outlining after the possible meeting has been done.

Work life balance

When working in Silicon Valley you must work really hard and make sure that your life is not having an impact on your work here because what get funded here are your ideas and commercial and not your personal life.

Have enough money to invest

It will be hard for you to invest your money in Silicon Valley if the amount you are investing is very small thus make sure you have enough leverage to negotiate the dealings and terms.

Have abundant deal flow

Make sure you are considering all the deals in front of you before you can choose one to invest your money especially when you know that you are a new investor and try to learn much more stuff about the market as possible.

Stick to your sector emphasis

By staying in your respected sector you will defiantly be an expert and will be better informed about all the things which will be helpful for you in making your decision.

Branch out your investments

Any new startup may have a fairly good chance of being failed at the beginning but if you invest in a series of all the startups you can reduce the variance of such return.

Look for great teams in big markets

Go for the teams who are focused overall on the customer development and have much chances of getting their required market fit and products.

Tricks to earn money by your blog through AdSense

Google AdSense is a program in which enterprises can display Google advertisements on Web sites and earn revenue from hits that generate traffic for the Google search engine. Google AdSense represents businesses of all sizes worldwide in multiple languages. So you can earn money  by blogging site (any domain even with sub domain blog) through Adsense. But how to get “AdSense approve” of your blog site or what need to do? 
Just follow the magic but simple 6 tips as below:
1. Create blog from  or using you own domain, design your site and do 5 posts daily for 30 days.
2. Focus on SEO as insert meta tags, work on back quality links, find and comment on related blog.
3. When you do this above two steps you are getting approximately 1000 visitors per day easily. Now its time to apply for adSense.
4. Before apply check this pages : About us – 300 words, Privacy policy – 500 words, Contact us – 250 to 300 words, Site map page.
5. Apply Adsense with your website and after apply maximum try to get more then regular traffic on website. (Use facebook, twitter, google+ etc for daily 300 + traffic for 6 day)
6. After applied for adSense please try to keep writing  5 to 6 articles per day for next 2 weeks. Its most important for your blog/website. But after 2 weeks don’t stop updating. Keep updating at least 1 to 2 articles due to maintain continue traffic on your site/blog.

CPM Advertising Basics for Blogger

Before reading this post on CPM network, I assume you might know about the Basic Advertising Programs like Pay Per Click and Affiliate Program  which you might be using or use it in the future to make money from Blog or Website.

Read Also:  Best CPM Ad Networks to Make Money From Blog

What is Affiliate Marketing and Best Affiliate Marketing Networks

As a Blogger you always want to generate more money for your valuable content you had created for your site visitors. With Cost Per Impressions Advertising or CPM Network you can  just add some extra dollars  for your Blog or if you are not getting that money which your Blog deserves from other sources just like PPC, then the best alternative for you is switch to CPM network.

What exactly is CPM Network or Advertising Program

Not a widely used Ad network to make  money from blog /website, still it’s much popular among blog’s receiving per day more than 1000 unique visitors. Cost Per impression(CPM) or specifically Cost Per Thousand Impressions refers to cost which the advertisers pay to the site publishers for each time whenever an ad is displayed on the Web Page. (Different from Google Adsense where visitor should click in order to earn money from blog ). You just place advertising Banner on your Blog and  will get paid for every 1000 Impressions.
I just explain you with an example. Suppose you had 1000 impressions on a particular day on your Website. The Cost per Impression rate i.e CPM rate as given by the advertisers is 4$/CPM. It means that you will be earning an amount of 4$  on that day from the CPM Network Advertiser or Company. It concludes that you need a good traffic requirement and is only suitable for bloggers, blogging for the last couple of months.

Read Also: Top Pay Per Click Advertising Networks

Precisely an Impression is same as the page views of your website.The only difference is that page refreshes and other fraud activities are excluded while counting number of Impressions.

5 Best Pay Per Click Advertising Companies like Google Adsense

Make Money from Blog with Adsense, Google’s  Biggest and Widest Source in Pay per Click Advertising Network  to generate some  Online  Income seems to be the Biggest Dream of a Blogger. Almost all the Bloggers know about Google Adsense and many are earning a huge amount of Income through it and the good part is that i’m also one of them. The blog Post “Make Money with Pay Per Click Ad Networks” entirely focuses on that category of people who are doing blogging for at least last 3 months. Like Adsense there are other Popular Pay Per Click ad networks which can give you some good dollars from your Blog. “With Others Click You Get Paid” is what actually is Pay Per Click Advertising. I had made a list regarding the Top Pay per Click advertising or Cost Per Click Ad Networks that are most suitable for your Blog.

Top Pay Per Click Advertising Networks :-

1. Google Adsense :

A simple but complicated to get program established by Google which let’s you select the type of ad you want for your blog niche  content and pay you according to how many visitors had clicked on that ad from your Blog/Website.

One thing you should clearly note that An Adsense approved site receiving a huge amount of Traffic from US and UK is supposed to be the topmost earning site in comparison to others.

2. : is now a days considered to be topmost Alternative of Google Adsense. It’s a contextual Advertising Company just like Google adsense which will  display relevant ads according to your Blog Content and you will get money according to the number of clicks on your Ads. A Yahoo-Bing joint venture solely designed to compete with google Adsense is the other major source to make money from Blog.  Register for

3. Infolinks :

Infolinks is one of the largest Pay per Click Advertising Networks on Internet where both Advertisers and Publishers are running their Business Successfully on the Web. They are mostly helpful in Intext Advertisements but now a days their Banner Ads are also seems to be earning a good amount of Revenue for the Bloggers. A combination of Google Adsense and Infolinks on a web Page is the today’s best Choice For Bloggers to make Money from Blog.

4.BlogAds :

BlogAds also seems to be good choice in 2013 for Pay Per Click Advertising on your Blog. The Relevancy,Reliability and easy to use Feature made BlogAds popular among the Bloggers.

Other  popular PPC Ad Networks from which you can make money from Blog are Clicksor and Chitika. But keep in mind no one can give your blog that amount of money which Google Adsense pays.

Hope you enjoyed reading this. If you know any other Source that you might think be added in this post, kindly Share with us in our comments section Below.